又测试了下,硬解也是挑文件的,,有的出错,有的好好的,还没找到规律。。 unraid 也不好用啊,IO占用太大,局域网拷个文件cpu占用好大,,硬解 转码是都可以。 看来还是没法完美,要么放弃硬解继续群晖,要么用unraid忍受SMB占用CPU高的问题。。
HW transcoding, be sure to disable VT-D in Bios or it won't work, just a black screen when you hit play button, I learned it the hard way. VT-D has to be disabled on those motherboards or HW transcoding won't work, at least on my J4105m. 翻论坛看到这个,关掉VT-D试下? 他们J4105, 原版1.04 loader都能硬解转码,应该是6.2.1。。
OK,回头我试试,我去国外论坛看了看,好像有人说到这个问题 Hi guys, i recently migrated from loader v1.023 (3617xs, DSM 6.1.7) to loader v1.04b (918+, DSM 6.2.1) and successfully migrated my data without using any custom extra.lzma. I am using an ASRock J4105 with an Intel 1000CT and a valid SN and MAC addresses. VT-D is disabled in the BIOS but the output of cat /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf differs slightly: {"success":true,"activated_codec":["aac_dec","aac_enc","h264_dec","h264_enc","hevc_dec","ac3_dec"],"token":"5da51973db56e3f7457a4d8a259d1f00"} I am missing the "hevc_enc", "vc1_dec","vc1_enc" here. /dev/dri does exist. /dev/dri$ ls card0 renderD128 I played around with tvheadend server and wanted to use HEVC transcoding, unfortunately tvheadend is "unable to open hevc_vaapi encoder". Anyone got a clue for me?
你洗白了么?DS video station硬解转码要洗白的,, 看看cat /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf 信息。。 我的J3455关了VT-D后 ,video station可以 开硬解离线转码了,播放也可以选画面质量了。。 和原来有区别。 HEVC 5M 10bit EAC3 播放测试: video station,cpu占用70%,画面好像有点糊。。 jellyfin cpu 占用20%,不时卡顿,有不明显条纹色彩细线。 不是10bit的低码率正常。。 现在是多找点不同码率的视频测测jellyfin的情况。