tinycore 编译loader 很多时候是从github下载文件,太容易出错了。 就想到用ghproxy来加速。 使用过程: 1、 sudo sed -i 's/https:/https:\/\/ghproxy.com\/https:/g' rploader.sh sudo ./rploader.sh update now sudo ./rploader.sh fullupgrade now 之后再次使用 sudo sed -i 's/https:/https:\/\/ghproxy.com\/https:/g' rploader.sh 来替换rploader.sh 中的github地址。 2、sudo ./rploader.sh download apollolake-7.1.0-42661 来下载redpill-load和redpill-lkm仓库 3、对redpill-load/include/file.sh 应用附件中的diff文件 也就是修改如下: rpt_download_remote() { pr_info "Downloading remote file %s to %s" "${1}" "${2}" local out; local url=`echo ${1}|sed "s/^https:\/\/github/https:\/\/ghproxy.com\/https:\/\/github/;s/^https:\/\/raw/https:\/\/ghproxy.com\/https:\/\/raw/"` pr_info "Changed remote file %s to %s" "${1}" "$url" out=$("${CURL_PATH}" --location --fail --progress-bar --retry 5 --output "${2}" "$url") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [[ "${3}" -eq 1 ]]; then pr_crit "Failed to download %s to %s\n\n%s" "$url" "${2}" "${out}" else return 1 fi fi } 直接把url替换为ghproxy.com 来获取仓库文件。 4、如果报错bspatch wget https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/raw/main/bspatch chmod a+x bspatch sudo chown root:root bspatch sudo cp bspatch /bin/ 5、愉快的build吧。