我在國外論壇有找到一篇https://mega.nz/#!L0UUxabI!IeUl_VIw1FcAreLDZWDnk-U0xX63A7Ju90dJs9k6QgY 8.2.2這個版本的reset的解法。 安裝後,在控制台-->任務排程裡,建立每日3次不同時間將ss service重啟的排程,分別是早上6:00、15:00、21:00,就可以解決設定檔不見的問題。 指令:/usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --restart pkgctl-SurveillanceStation 目前我測試用了快一個星期,所有的錄影檔與鏡頭設定都在。 給各位參考參考。
Hey, i translated what you said with google translate, but i didn't really figured out what did you say to do, google translate it's not so good at doing his job. By the way, can you please tell me what i have to do to crack the Surveillance Station in english please? I really need it, and that's it the only forum where i found a nearly solution. Thank you.
Hi Guy, This is because timebomb in this version, SurveillanceStation all setting and record will be gone. So , only way to prevent timebomb occur is reset SurveillanceStation service. In short, download and install this version , and set three cronjob to reset service on the control panel , The cronjobs comman are the same "/usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --restart pkgctl-SurveillanceStation"(you can check my photo), and timing at 6:00 , 15:00 , 21:00. I just follow https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/13817-surveillancestation-x86_64-822-5766/page/3/ topic id :57
check ID 131/132 on the same topic. here is the link. https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/13817-surveillancestation-x86_64-822-5766/page/6/